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Code of Conduct

For providers signing up to use the Connect to Support Birmingham service directory to list their goods and services:

All providers wishing to list their goods or services on Connect to Support Birmingham will need to sign up to and uphold the Code of Conduct, this forms part of the registration process. The provider should not under any circumstances consider, or promote, this to be an endorsement by Birmingham City Council of:

  1. the service provider,
  2. or, the services/ goods listed

Under no circumstances should the provider refer to, use, or rely upon this code of conduct in advertising selling and promoting services/goods etc.

Birmingham City Council reserves the right to update or modify the Code of Conduct at any time without prior notice. For this reason, Birmingham City Council encourages providers to regularly review the Code of Conduct.

  1. Providers will ensure that material displayed within their listing on the site is accurate and reliable. It is the providers’ responsibility to keep their information up to date and provide Connect to Support Birmingham with updates as and when applicable.
  2. Providers will ensure all services to be delivered in accordance with all legislative and regulatory standards and are fit for purpose.
  3. Providers will ensure that customers are not treated in a discriminatory way. Customers must be treated fairly, equally and in a polite and courteous manner, regardless of age, disability, HIV status, marital status, race, religion, sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, national origin or ethnicity.
  4. Providers will ensure all staff are appropriately qualified to relevant professional standards for the type of service being provided.
  5. Providers will ensure safe working practices so as to avoid placing staff, volunteers, customers or any other person at risk of injury.
  6. Providers will follow any relevant safe working procedures published by manufacturers of equipment, the Health and Safety Executive or as part of industry standard guidelines.
  7. Providers will complete their own checks to ensure staff and volunteers are appropriate to deliver services. Where staff or volunteers are in direct contact with vulnerable adults, organisations must carry out an assessment to identify if the role should be subject to a Disclosure Baring Service (DBS) check. This assessment should make sure that the role meets the requirements for a standard or enhanced DBS  check if the role is defined as regulated activity. Guidance on how to identify if a DBS check is required can be found on the DBS website (opens in new window).
  8. Services under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and will be subject to adherence to regulatory framework.
  9. By using this service, you are confirming that you are registered with the appropriate regulatory body for the services you provide (if relevant).
  10. If a service is subject to safeguarding concerns, purchasing restrictions with Birmingham City Council, or other quality investigations, the provider must inform any prospective customers of their current status in those proceedings.
  11. Providers will recognise that some customers will be vulnerable due to their age, mental and/or physical condition or will need expertise and support to determine what goods or services are suitable for their needs. Such customers may take longer to reach appropriate decisions, require more information and guidance and providers will ensure that they are given sufficient time for this.

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