Paying for care
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Paying for Care and Support
Unlike the NHS where health care services are free at the point of need, Adult Social Care services are means tested. Most people who have care needs will need to pay something towards the cost of any care services that are provided to them by the council.
State funding of care is available for those who have eligible needs (based on national criteria) as assessed by an Adult Social Care worker and who also fall below the agreed national financial thresholds. For example, the amount of financial help you are entitled to is affected by your savings, investments, benefits and earnings.
If you are eligible for care services from Birmingham City Council, we will conduct a financial assessment to determine what level of contribution you are required to pay. To get an indication of what you are likely to pay if you receive a care service, our Care Contribution Estimator (opens in new window) will give you a good idea of what your likely contribution will be. Please bear in mind that this is only an estimation, and we will still need to complete a financial assessment.
Self funders
Some people will be asked to pay for the full cost of their services, because they have savings or assets worth over £23,250, and this is called being a “self funder”. We do not take into account the value of your home if you receive care services while still living in it. The cost of self-funding care delivered in your home by a home care agency depends on the level of care you need. As a rough guide, the cost of a home care agency for a self-funder in the Birmingham Council area is likely to be in excess of £21 per hour*.
Under some circumstances, you may be able to get help towards your nursing home fees through NHS Continuing Healthcare, or a contribution towards the nursing costs in a care home.
More information on NHS Continuing Healthcare (opens in a new window)
While in most circumstances, self-funders are paying the full cost towards their care because they have savings or assets worth over £23,250 there are other ways this can occur. The most common are:
- you do not want a social care assessment
- you have chosen not to approach social care services for help
- you do not want to be financially assessed
- you have had a social care assessment but are not currently eligible for care and support services
Savings and Capital Threshold
If you have savings or assets over £23,250, but you still choose to request the assistance of Birmingham City Council in arranging care services, there will also be a one-off administration fee of £310. You may prefer instead to arrange your care services privately, without the involvement of BCC. However, please remember to contact the council once the value of your savings and assets drops to £23,250 as you may then be eligible for care services via the council, for which a financial assessment will be completed. You can find more information by visiting the Help Paying for Your Care pages on the Birmingham City Council website (opens in new window).
Deferred Payment Scheme
The Deferred Payments Scheme is designed to help you if you have been assessed as having to pay the full cost of your residential care, but cannot afford to pay the full weekly charge because most of your capital is tied up in your home.
You need to have your care needs assessed and your financial eligibility determined before a Deferred Payment Agreement can be considered.
Independent Advice
There are organisations you can contact if you want independent advice about paying for care.
Citizens Advice
- Telephone 0344 477 1010
Money and Pension Service
- Freephone 0800 138 7777
Age UK
- Telephone - all Age UK locations have contact numbers which be found online